Out of nowhere, aafuss on our forums has pointed out service manuals for the PRS-300 and PRS-600 Sony Reader devices, due to be out soon. What’s interesting is that the PRS-700 is no longer on sale at SonyStyle, signaling these devices may be arriving soon. These manuals are fresh from the oven, as the creation date is July 2009. The PRS-300 will be available in red, black and silver and has a five inch display with 440MB of internal storage (no expandable memory card slots). The PRS-600 will also be available in the same colors, but will also have a larger six inch touchscreen display, audio output, and MS/SD card compatibility with 440mb of internal storage. No lighting or wireless is mentioned in either of the service manuals, but we are NOT opting that out as a feature at this time until we get some sort of confirmation. We will be constantly searching for this information and update this post acordingly. Thanks, aafuss!
Image above courtesy of engadget. Here are the PDF’s:
Sony has requested we remove these service manuals, but with the PRS-700 mysteriously disappearing from the SonyStyle store, its fair to say something is afoot.