NW-A1000/1200/3000 Firmware Update 2.01
Finally, the much anticipated firmware update that enables WMA support for the NW-A1000/1200/3000 is available as of December 26, 2005 from Sony. The firmware update is of version 2.01 and amount to approximately 3.2MB.
New feature enabled:
WMA format support.
note: WMA file should have sampling frequency of 44.1 KHz and bit rates:
CBR 32/48/64/80/96/128/160/192/256/320 kbps
VBR 40-75/50-95/85-145/135-215/240-355 kbps
*WMA files which are copyright protected cannot be played from the Network Walkman
Affected units: Network WALKMAN NW-A1000/1200/3000 with firmware version 2.01
For further information, please read: