To the surprise of many in the community, SonicStage 3.4 has arrived with features that truly make this a worthy upgrade for users of Hi-MD and all other ATRAC devices. Sony has had to have been reading for the forums because the functionality delivered in this release is in tune with what users here have been requesting for quite a while. Complete and nonrestrictive digital uploads have finally been allowed, Audio CDs can be ripped directly in ATRAC3plus 352kbps, ATRAC3plus 192kbps can be transferred to Hi-MD formatted discs, and more! Startup logo has gotten a facelift too; a new symbol for a new era.
Unfortunately, this update does not introduce full functionality for NW-A series users, so hold on until Sonicstage 3.5..or 4. All users are encouraged to upgrade, regardless.
New Features:
- Tracks can be transferred in ATRAC 192kbps to a Hi-MD device.
- Tracks recorded with a Hi-MD device with the digital/analogue inputs or microphone input can be uploaded to SonicStage and saved in WAV (PCM) format. (e.g. burn a Hi-MD disc, send to a friend and they can upload all contents to their computer without DRM woes; record via optical, no cumbersome upload restriction!)
- Audio CD’s can be ripped in ATRAC 352kbps.
- CD information can be displayed from the tracks in My Library.
- WAV files can be converted into ATRAC Advanced Lossless format.
- ATRAC format files (including ATRAC Advanced Lossless) can be converted into WAV format.
- Song lyrics can be displayed when clicking the “Lyrics” button (only if the lyrics are encoded with the track).
Audio CD’s can be ripped in ATRAC 352kbps; AAL can be imported using 352kbps as base.
Tracks can be transferred in ATRAC 192kbps to a Hi-MD device.
Song lyrics can be displayed when clicking the “Lyrics” button (only if the lyrics are encoded with the track).
New Music Service Modules
NOTE: The Japanese SonicStage 3.4 includes a new Music Service module: Yahoo Music Service alongside Mora. As you can view from the screencapture, a Music Community module will be added sometime in mid-February 2006. One notable feature with the Music Community module is the option to utilize music playlist created by other users.
Module Version
SonicStage :
SonicStage Add-on for Personal Audio Download :
OpenMG Secure Module :
MagicGate Memory Stick Device :
NW-E2, NW-E3, NW-E5 and NW-E8P :
OpenMG CD :
M.S. PRO :
CD Walkman :
Hi-MD :
Music Clip, NW-S4, NW-E7 and NW-E10 :
Net MD :
EMD Plug-in:
CD-R Writing Module(Audio CD/ATRAC CD/MP3 CD) :
Px Engine:
DOWNLOAD LINKS: Sony Japan | Sony Europe | Sony USA | Sony Asia-Pacific | JEB [Overseas]