Now here is a true Sony Insider. Despite the picture being blurry (it was taken in a rush, apparently), a fellow by the nickname “Tritone” was spending time with his family and came across a group of Japanese people. Apparently one of the folks had the unreleased 25-megapixel Sony A900 DLSR around their shoulder. Listen to this story –
I was out with family in Victoria, BC at Hatley Castle/Royal Roads University when I happened upon Japanese group wandering the grounds. Not thinking much of it I thought it was a tour group until I saw a gent with an orange Sony camera strap and something which was quite different from my A700.
I was extremely excited and took this picture.
I must apologize as I hadn’t paid attention to my camera settings and fired off this photo at 100ASA 85mm (28-85 minolta lens) at f9. Even though it was a sunny day, we were in open shade and I screwed up. The man heard my camera and started yelling at me in Japanese.
I guess that’s why I’m still an amateur photographer. A golden opportunity missed