Sony confirmed that it temporarily has reduced production at its Mount Pleasant, Pa., LCD television plant in response to slowing demand for 52-inch sets. Sony also makes 46-inch TVs at the plant. A Sony spokesman confirmed to Tech Trader Daily that the plant, which is about 35 miles east of Pittsburgh, typically operates three production lines over the course of four 10-hour days a week. He said the plant recently reduced its night shift to two lines, and for the next few weeks will reduce operations to 3 days, from 4 days.
“We have seen a slight downturn in 52-inch sets,” said spokesman Michael Koff, who added that Sony decided to work down accumulated inventory. Koff said Sony told employees of the plant about the reduced production late yesterday; Sony promised an update on the situation for its staff at the end of July.
Sony’s move is consistent with other recent indications of slowing U.S. consumer sales of large-screen televisions.
Article courtesy of Barron’s Tech Trader Daily.