
Sony is Teasing Us with HOME… yet again

Most of us have been hoping, waiting and even getting angry with HOME delay on PlayStation Network. It has become one of those wanted items that is so close (due to continuous Sony promises to release it) and yet so far. As many of us PS3 owners are aware that Home open beta should launch sometime in late October, because PlayStation wants to deliver some more enticing and more or less ready to the masses, which I believe is a good move, as a “broken” Home will turn away a lot of gamers if it was released too early. I just wish Sony would be more careful with their promises and not hype up the public about its previous defunct releases.

But I digress, today Sony PS division in Japan announced a closed beta drawing for those interested to experience a 3D virtual world. So a number of lucky Japanese dudes and dudettes (about 10000 they say) will be downloading the application soon.

I hope some day to be able to get Home application on my Sony Eriksson W880i as pictured and presented back in 2007. Let’s believe it was not just a concept…

Coming soon.

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