I love Seinfeld, in fact, I am confident in saying that I have seen just about every episode there is. Even that weird pilot that didn’t have Elaine nor the cafe. My favorite episode would easily be The Betrayal, where the entire episode runs backwards in a really crazy chronological scale..peppered with ridiculousness throughout (FDR’s wish, haha). Sony Pictures Television is trying to spur new interest into the series, however, as ratings are down significantly this year. Despite being on the popular TBS network, the show’s ratings are down a staggering 21% compared to this time last year.
Sony Pictures Television has rolled out a tour bus (that runs on bio-diesel) which will promote the television show in multiple markets throughout the fall. Cities include New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Washington, DC, Boston, Atlanta, Detroit, Phoenix, Orlando, Minneapolis, Cleveland and more. The bus will also be stopping by some college campuses, such as: New York University, UCLA, Boston College, Ohio State, University of Michigan, Arizona State and UC Berkeley. And finally, several Best Buy retailers and local college-focused retail stores across the nation will have the Seinfeld bus visit them.
Bus Interior
• A mini-museum of such Seinfeld treasures as original costumes and propos from iconic episodes, an original script, and an Emmy® Award
• TV screens displaying a presentation featuring the most iconic moments from the show
• A “Scene It? Lounge” featuring two TVs where consumers can sample the DVD game debuting
nationwide this fall
• Bins of Seinfeld foods such as Twix, Snapple, black & white cookies, Snickers and Diet Dr. Pepper
• A Kramer’s Yogurt Bar featuring non-fat frozen yogurt
• Three laptops to explore Seinfeld MySpace, Seinfeld Facebook and the Seinfeld web site which links to the TOUR and all STATION sites
• A wall of Seinfeld framed production and gallery stills with behind-the-scenes captions
Bus Exterior
• A “video testimonial booth” where attendees can shoot their own user-generated content, such as
character impressions, favorite Seinfeld episodes and real-life Seinfeld moments.
• 60 foot-long, bio-diesel fueled bus
• Three Seinfeld branded tent-tops and three interactive laptop kiosks where consumers can explore
everything Seinfeld
• The Monk’s Diner Plate Toss where attendees throw a Seinfeld frisbee through slots in the wall to win
• The Marine Biologist Hole-in-One where attendees attempt to putt a golf ball into the whale’s blowhole to win a SONY digital camera
• Sony Video Walkman, Sony Cyber-shot digital cameras, USB bracelet
“Do Something with Seinfeld”
• DoSomething.org and Sony Pictures Television are launching a national canned food drive entitled “DO SOMETHING with SEINFELD” to encourage young people to take action in their communities, on their college campuses and with their friends. During the Seinfeld Campus Tour, food will be collected on various campuses and delivered to foodbanks across the nation. DoSomething is one of the largest national organizations for young people and social change, and in 2007, they reached over 11 million young people, age 25 and under. For more information, go to www.dosomething.org or www.seinfeld.com.