EverQuest® II’s most recent game update “Breaking Ground” provides players with access to the new group zone Veksar. This dungeon is a preview to the launch version that will be available in the upcoming expansion The Shadow OdysseyTM scheduled for release on November 18th. Players are also called upon to help construct the nearly completed massive Guild Hall project and the Murder Mystery live event is transpiring, as theories abound as to who performed the dastardly deed.
“Breaking Ground” features:
Veskar – The ancient underwater city of Veksar has once again been discovered by the adventurers of Norrath. Veksar offers both new quests and treasures to those who wish to enter its dangerous chambers. Players level 80 can make their way to the outpost of Omen’s Call, to see if they can begin to unravel the mysteries of this risen ancient monument. Half of the new dungeon is available to current players and the rest will be available in the upcoming expansion.
Guild Hall Construction Event: The Guild Halls building projects are starting to run low on resources requiring the help of Norrath’s finest adventurers. Director Jasmine at the Antonica docks and Director Hezreal at the Commonlands docks are eagerly seeking workers willing to help alleviate the situation.
Murder Mystery Live Event: The Prophet of Healing has been found murdered and the main suspect is found dead shortly thereafter! It’s up to players of all levels to study the clues and figure out who the real murderer is. The progressive live event is schedule to run throughout this update. This prelude event holds significant importance to The Shadow Odyssey journey that begins this November.
Everfrost Revamp: Everfrost gets a facelift! Adventurers levels 40-50 will find dozens of additional quests, four new hubs, and a population friendlier to various play styles, along with a new tunnel to make it easier to travel around the zone.
For more details log onto www.eq2players.com.