SE Xperia™ X1 to be Out on September 30th
Ladies and Gentlemen, the wait is almost over, the hyped up and ingenious Sony Ericsson Xperia phone is to be released at the end of September in the first lucky countries: the UK, Germany and Sweden. The North American release has not been set just yet, however you may sign up on their website to be notified when this phone is available here.
To start the countdown to the launch of Xperia™ X1, Sony Ericsson will host a live global webcast on September 15 at 13:00 GMT + 1, offering viewers the first in-depth demonstration of the handset. The web cast will also premiere the first episode of an alternative reality thriller Johnny X. To register to view the web cast and Q&A session with Xperia™ X1 Senior Product Manager Magnus J Andersson, please visit: www.sonyericsson.com/premiere
Let’s hope all the kinks and bugs have been ironed out and it is ready for its debut!
Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1 from digitec AG on Vimeo.