It is good to know that Sony Ericsson seems to be pretty open to learning about new Operating Systems for their phones, as we all know SE has been a part of Symbian Foundation, a group that was recently bought by Nokia and will become an open source soon. Since June Symbian has attracted some 40 companies and gives developers free access to its software.
Google’s OS Android has been showcased yesterday in NYC, where T-Mobile has presented a phone running Google’s engine. According to Reuters, President of SE Dick Koniyama confirmed an interested in studying Android.
“We are certainly studying this opportunity, although we’re not in a position to do this at this moment,” Komiyama told journalists at a media event in the southern Swedish city of Lund, where the company has a research and development site. “We should look at this application,” he said. “We are certainly interested.”
So, who knows, if SE favors Android, we might see some new revolutionary Xperia taking advantage of multi-touch apps and become a useful internet device among other ones they offer with Symabian and MS Mobile OS.