Sony Japan has taken the wrapper off a new set of headphones today aimed somewhat at the consumer whom want something a little better than the usual budget offerings. The MDR-XB700, MDR-XB500, and MDR-XB300 give the user a true sense of acoustic enclosure, and deliver powerful bass sound. The real selling point of these headphones is a new design that hopes to reduce ineffective sound passages, which allows sound to escape somewhat before it actually reaches your ear. This is often why earphones sound better to people than headphones; here is a picture provided by Sony that somewhat shows that I’m trying to convey here:
Average headphones, pictured left, allow sound to escape more easily while the improved design of the MDR-XB700, MDR-XB500, and MDR-XB300, pictured right, hope to reduce that possibility. Sony has also introduced several vibration-proof characteristics to the drivers within the headphones to ensure optimal clarity in sound. While these won’t outpreform an average set of Audio Technicas, most people will probably be stunned at the quality of these headphones. This product will be displayed at the Sony Ginza showroom, Sony Style showroom in Odaiba, Osaka at the Sony Style store Friday, Sept. 26. Consumers should expect them to officially debut on November 10th; the MDR-XB700 will go for 12,390Y ($116), MDR-XB500 for 8,175Y ($81), and MDR-XB300 for 4,935Y ($46)
Sony is also very proud of their new urethane leather that will ensure a comfortable fit. Here’s an example picture:
Here’s a common spec sheet (click to enlarge) outlining all of the fine details about these headphones:
Information courtesy of Sony Japan. Some great real life pictures of these headphones can be found at Watch!