Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars will be available today on the PLAYSTATION Network! It is Unreal Engine 3 powered physics-based vehicle arena sports game available for PSN and we also might just have set the record for longest game title ever! Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars lets you pick from seven cars and drops you into a high-flying, lightning-fast game of vehicle-based soccer. It also features Trophy support, custom music tracks, and YouTube support for uploading match replays.
One thing you might not have read much about is our extensive online feature set. If you’re the competitive type, we have a full-fledged ranking and stats tracking system with scoreboards, and our matching system intelligently groups up players of similar skill to give you the best online experience possible. As your skill improves you can climb up the rankings and compete for the top spots on the scoreboards and maybe even win some prizes – we’ve got some great ideas for tournaments, but more on that in the weeks to come.
If you’re more of a group player, we also have party system in which you can register a team with a unique name and then invite your PSN buddies to join it. You can then play together in ranked team matches and compete for the top spots on the Team scoreboards. We support four player split-screen both locally and online, so if you and three of your buddies want to take on the world with your own team, you can do that too!
We know how much people want more Trophies, so we made sure to include some good ones for you; they’re split between single-player and online.
Champion – Beat the Tournament Mode
You can acquire this trophy by completing the tournament mode, a single player challenge that pits you against harder and harder groups of bots in Battleball matches. Sometimes you play alone, sometimes you have bots on your side, and sometimes you even have to start the match down a few points!
Hot Shot – Achieve the Most Valuable Player Award in an online ranked match.
After each match, they give out awards based on how each player did. The Most Valuable Player generally does a little bit of everything – scores goals, blocks shots, assists other players’ shots, and maybe even demolishes a few of the opposing team in the process!
Showoff – Score a goal while reversing in an online ranked match
To win this trophy, you’re going to have to learn how to shoot backwards! This can be a real challenge, especially in the competitive online environment, but it’s a lot of fun to try and you can even save your replay and upload it to YouTube!
All Star – Earn All the Stars in Single-Player Mode
This trophy is your reward for completing all of our single-player challenges. Whether it’s playing a game with a cardboard box instead of a ball, soaring high through the air to collect floating canisters, or scoring as many goals as possible in a short time, we’ve created a lot of fun challenges that will hone your skills for online ranked play.
Striker – Score 500 Goals in Online Ranked Matches
All I can say is this: anyone with this trophy is a Battle-Cars master.
Replay system – Countless times in development they would play a match and have something spectacular happen and wish we had an easy way to view it again and share it with friends. This inspired us to create a really powerful replay recording tool that you can use in-game to view, edit, and upload replays to share with other players.
Here’s how it works: After each match you’re given the option to save a replay of the entire game. From our replay manager you can view a list of your saved replays at any time. When you select one, you can choose to simply view it again, export it to YouTube, or export it to the XMB. When viewing or exporting, we give you full control of camera with the ability to focus on the ball or specific players, change angles, or go into slow-motion – just about anything you can think of, you can do it. On top of that, when you’re exporting, we let you record clips however you want so you can do your editing right in-game! Of course, if you prefer, you can just export the whole thing to the XMB and edit it yourself with video editing software.
They also have a forum where you can watch for news on organized tournaments, ask us questions, post links to replays you’ve uploaded, or look for teammates. The game is available today on the PLAYSTATION Network Store for $14.99 and we’re making a demo available today as well, so please give it a try and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do!