Vaio By You Coming To UK, France and Spain
Starting October 22nd, buyers of VAIO TT, Z and CS-Series notebooks will be able to create personalized configurations for their purchases using a new custom order service. Available in the UK, France and Spain either online from Sony Style Store (www.sonystyle.eu/VaiobyYou) or by phone**, ’VAIO by you’ will give customers even more choice. The actual process of creating a custom order is very simple and breaks down into four easy steps. First, the customer chooses the base model, then they indicate the modified specifications. Once the configuration is complete, there’s a choice of services including different levels of warranty cover, and finally, a selection of matching VAIO accessories to round things off.
“‘VAIO by you’ lets people become more involved, more hands-on with the purchasing process, which boosts their sense of ownership,” said Hidetoshi Takigawa, Marketing Director for VAIO Of Europe. “Their VAIO is going to be a personal possession, even a companion, and this is where the personalisation starts. It’s an open door to the VAIO experience.”
As well as determining aspects of their VAIO’s configuration such as processor, hard disk, memory, optical drive, graphics card and warranty, customers will be able to order exclusive specifications not available through the retail channel. This can mean quite major customisation as in the case of the new TT-Series business ultra-portable.
Using the ‘VAIO by you’ service, it’s possible to obtain a very special version of the machine equipped with a Blu-ray Disc™ read/write drive and even a 128GB solid state flash ‘disk’ instead of a conventional hard disk. These options turn the TT-Series into the lightest, smallest Blu-ray equipped notebook available, complete with HD playback and the benefits of super-fast, super-robust solid state data storage. A distinctive red finish is also an option for those who enjoy the ‘where did you get that?’ factor.
Less obvious, but functionally significant, is the option to use ‘VAIO by you’ to obtain the new super-stylish CS1-Series with Genuine Windows Vista® Business or the Z2-Series with Genuine Windows Vista Ultimate. Neither notebook is on sale in retail outlets with these versions of the operating system pre-installed.
However it is accessed and used, ‘VAIO by you’ is another way that customers can get more from choosing VAIO. It’s all part of the experience.
* The ‘VAIO by you’ custom ordering service is available from the 22 October in France and from the 24 October in the UK and Spain.
** To use Configure To Order by phone, please call:
UK: 0207 365 2947
France: 01 55 69 51 27
Spain: 91 749 63 88