Kevin Lydy, a Senior Artist at Sony Online Entertainment, was recently interviewed at Allakhazam. Having worked on many of EverQuest’s expansions (as far back as Omens of War), he has a profound understanding of the living, breathing world that we love to much. Below is a brief Q&A with Kevin; check it out!
When did you join the SOE family?
Technically I joined SOE sometime around 2000. But I’d worked at SISA/SCEA for a number of years prior to that. A couple of years before that I was working freelance and, along with my good friend Dok Whitson, created the original EverQuest logo.
What are your main duties on EverQuest?
Pretty much exclusively environments. I used to be the early morning coffee maker too. But now we have a fancy machine and pots of coffee are a thing of the past.
What did you work on for the Seeds of Destruction Expansion?
Old Field of Bone and Old Kurns.
What do you consider your specialty?
Ya mean, aside from making pizza disappear? Not sure I have one. But I keep trying.
Do you, or have you played EverQuest?
Yes, I played relatively frequently some years back. Now, I spend a lot of time in game, but for a different reason.
Describe the process of acclimating yourself to the world of EverQuest?
How long have you been in the gaming industry and what brought you to it?
I’ve been making games for nearly 24 years now. Truthfully, I sort of stumbled into it. After college, I happened to be at Happy Hour one evening (okay, I was at Happy Hour a lot back then…) and overheard a nearby conversation. Two weeks later, I got the job.
What other projects have you worked on?
I’ve worked on forty-some arcade, console or PC titles through the years. Somewhere, I have them all written down. Some were good, some were not.
Besides yourself, who are your favorite artists? Who inspires you?
Inspiration is everywhere. But I get great inspiration from my teammates every day. There are incredibly talented, devoted, caring people involved with EverQuest. It’s hard for some of that to not rub off.
My background was originally Fine Art (Studio Arts) so there’s a lot of that in me. But favorites would have to include Wayne Thiebaud, local painter Wade Koniakowsky, Marcel Deuchamp, the Impressionists, Rene Magritte, Caravaggio, aw geez – I could go on and on.
What are your favorite video games?
I tend to enjoy twitch games and Sims the most anymore. I went through a long period of being hooked on anything and everything in the Sims line. But that was before I got a dog. I still enjoy arcade style games – Road Blasters was one of my all time favorites. I know of this little Mexican joint that still has one. Even though there are others closer, I drive out there to play it while I wait.
What video games are you currently playing?
I’m not. I’m currently at work and we’re not supposed to play. Kidding! Other than EQ, I’m really sort of in between games at the moment.
Artists are their own worst critics. Do you believe this statement?
For the most part, I agree. It seems that creative people skew to one extreme or another. I have known plenty of uncertain, angst-ridden artists. But I’ve also known plenty of arrogant, overly self assured ones as well.
What other type of activities do you enjoy? Do you have any hobbies?
I enjoy surfing, painting, cooking, reading and playing music. Not in any particular order. Lately, I’ve spent a lot of time playing in a Classic Rock band at casinos, clubs and that sort of thing. It’s great fun.
Tell the community something crazy about you!
Crazy, huh? I often put empty containers back in the refrigerator. Does that count?
This was taken just down the street from where I live.
This is my 4 ½ year old Cocker Spaniel named Woody. He’s my third Cocker from the pound and great fun. He enjoys barking at skateboarders, beer and food. His favorite color is food.
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Thanks to everyone who plays and enjoys EverQuest. It’s nice to know that the efforts on this side of the monitor translate into enjoyment on the other side.