Manufacturing Delays Slow Down Xperia Outing
According to IDG News Service, Xperia is experiencing some delays in manufactoring and therefore might not get into your hands as soon as you wanted it to (talking about EU market here).
The company said the manufacturing delays were caused by a lack of certain materials.
“We don’t want to go into detail regarding which materials are causing the problems,” said Brusewitz.
More people have been added to the project to reduce the delays, he said, declining to give further details.. Sony Ericsson is working closely with its manufacturing partner HTC, he said.
Plans to sell the Xperia X1 in other countries won’t be affected by the delays, despite the initial shortage of phones, according to Brusewitz.
Xperia is going to be introduced in the US this November, but I really doubt there will be a huge demand for it due to its price. Let’s hope that SE has some deals worked out with providers here in the US, so you don’t have to shell out $900 for a phone…Sony must really present this phone as an affordable device to compete with G1 and in some way iPhone market share…