One of our favorite blogs, Engadget Mobile, has acquired the Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1 and reviewed it accordingly. Overall, their impressions are fairly positive, perhaps the best we’ve seen for a Windows Mobile device. However, there are certainly some issues in the user interface that are make this video from the Senior Designer questionable. Engadget Mobile gives high praise to the device, stating, “..those looking specifically for a Windows Mobile-powered device should give this long (long!) awaited device a serious look. For starters, the HTC design is truly world class. You’ll be hard pressed to find a sexier phone in all aspects than this one. The battery life is stellar, the browsing in Opera is delightful, the VGA resolution is drool-worthy and the integrated camera isn’t too shabby, either.”
However, they noticed immediate lag with Panel transitions, and note that, “Oftentimes, just changing panels was a 10 to 30 second affair, and icons on the panels themselves generally took 5 or more seconds to respond to an input. SE’s Panels UI holds some real promise, but until it becomes more seamlessly integrated (meaning less lag in every respect), we can’t say it’s a game-changing inclusion.”
The Engadget Mobile review of the XPERIA X1 has quite a few pictures of the device from every possible angle and some good commentary – check it out!