I was randomly in Best Buy the other day looking for an iPhone car charger when I happened to spot a slotMusic display we wrote about previously. The packaging for the slotMusic is attractive, easily noticeable and near the front of the store. I would say that most people who have MicroSD slots know they have it, and so I could imagine that this would be a good seller. However, the $14.99 price just doesn’t sit well with me. Despite the fact that it comes with a free USB adapter, it needs something extra to really draw consumers. I think when I looked at the other titles available I thought that slotMusic is an interesting novelty, but could be more successful if marketed and promoted effectively. Maybe offer a promotion that if you buy more than one you get a discount on the second or something. I know that is a rather plain suggestion, but a lower price will really be the only thing that draws people in at this point in the consumer atmosphere. People buying $14.99 music on a MicroSD must weigh the option of just downloading it somewhere instead. A lower price will create more impulse purchases for the format, however, which could bring it early success.
slotMusic seriously needs to put on the front of the packaging that it is indeed 320kbps MP3 files included on the card – people will certainly notice that. It is refreshing to see that you are offering this high of a bitrate, as we still live in a 128kbps world. 😛