Sony MotionFlow Demonstration Video
The BRAVIA Z4500, announced at IFA, most certainly piqued the interest of our readers as it had Bravia Engine 2, 200hz frame rate, and a 80,000:1 dynamic contrast ratio. We thought you might be interested in a video that provides a visual demonstration of the technology behind Motionflow. The idea behind the video is to explain Motionflow, so the flipbook on the left is more jerky and represents a standard LCD picture – you might notice this if you watch a lot of sports. The flipbook on the right simulates how Motionflow makes the picture smoother, by inserting extra frames. The reason we decided to produce the video was because you have to see Motionflow in action to really understand how it works, but obviously not everyone is in a position to see the Z4500, especially before it is released. So the video attempts to explain and demonstrate the technology in a way that’s easy to understand.