Sony is fine with selling its movies and TV shows through digital means — just not, apparently, when it involves working with its chief video game rival. Sony has thrown a minor monkey wrench in the launch of Microsoft’s revamped Xbox Live online platform. The reinvention of the XBOX Live interface, among other new features, now has the ability to stream about 12,000 movies and shows from Netflix’s Instant Watch service to Microsoft’s Xbox 360 video game console. Why doesn’t Sony have something similar for the PS3?
But now it’s 12,000 minus “a couple of hundred” titles, Netflix spokesman Steve Swasey said. He declined to reveal the studios behind those titles. But an executive with knowledge of the matter confirmed reports that they come from Sony. (The executive declined to be named, citing sensitive negotiations between Sony and Netflix.)
“We’re very hopeful we will have these titles on the Xbox 360 shortly,” said Swasey, who added that it would be a matter of “weeks” rather than months.
Sony issued the following statement:
This issue is not specific to Xbox or any other individual platform. Sony Pictures is currently in discussions with the relevant parties to resolve certain licensing matters related to the distribution of its motion pictures. Given the ongoing nature of these discussions, we don’t think it is appropriate to comment further at this time.