San Diego City Councilman Carl DeMaio proclaimed today, March 16, “Sony Online Entertainment Day” in the City of San Diego during the March 10 City Council meeting. SOE President John Smedley and members of the EverQuest team accepted the honor, which coincides with the 10th anniversary of the online video game EverQuest. The official text of the proclamation:
“Sony Online Entertainment” Day – Presented by Councilmember Carl DeMaio
WHEREAS, SONY ONLINE ENTERTAINMENT, founded in April 1998, and with a current employment of over 600 San Diegans; and
WHEREAS, SONY ONLINE ENTERTAINMENT is a recognized industry leader dedicated to creating, developing and providing compelling entertainment for the personal computer, online, game console and wireless markets; and
WHEREAS, SONY ONLINE ENTERTAINMENT continues to strive for excellence in its products by using cutting-edge technology, innovation and delivery while continuing to redefine the business of online gaming and the creation of active player communities; and
WHEREAS, SONY ONLINE ENTERTAINMENT has served more than twelve million customer accounts and published more than 60 titles, including its groundbreaking franchise game, EverQuest, which on March 16, 2009, is celebrating its 10th anniversary; and
WHEREAS, SONY ONLINE ENTERTAINMENT has made it a priority to perform charitable work in the local San Diego community. Sony Online Entertainment and its employees donate thousands of dollars and volunteer considerable man hours annually to support the San Diego community in efforts such as the Red Cross Blood Drive, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Toys for Tots, U.S. Wounded Soldiers Foundation and numerous holiday food and toy drives; and
WHEREAS, SONY ONLINE ENTERTAINMENT provides amazing entertainment to video game players around the world while staying committed to a vibrant, prosperous San Diego for its employees and their families.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO that this council, for and on behalf of the citizens of San Diego, does hereby recognize Sony Online Entertainment for its commitment to economic growth and community service.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that March 16, 2009, is hereby proclaimed to be “Sony Online Entertainment” Day in the City of San Diego.