Sony Pictures Entertainment ( today announced the launch of “Loot,” a group of innovative developers dedicated to creating branded interactive entertainment products and experiences for PlayStation(R)Home. PlayStation Home is an evolving 3D social gaming community built for Playstation 3 users to meet, chat, share and launch into games together via PlayStation Network.
Loot recently unveiled the release of “Living Room Stage Set,” available now in PlayStation Home in North America. Living Room Stage Set – the first of many new Loot offerings to come – is an interactive personal space that users can purchase through the PlayStation Home Mall. It features a movie soundstage and a full range of movie production props and equipment such as interactive cameras, lights, backdrops and basic furniture items that users can operate within Home – acting as director, actor or cinematographer on their own virtual production.
“We saw an opportunity to expand on the PlayStation Home experience for users who wanted additional collaborative and creative experiences,” said David Sterling, Vice President of Business Development for Sony Pictures Entertainment’s Digital Authoring Center and General Manager of Loot. “Loot is dedicated to using state-of-the-art technology to bring the entertainment world to gamers through interactive virtual products like Living Room Stage Set.”
“PlayStation Home has one of the most engaged communities with more than five million users, and there is a tremendous appetite for virtual goods and social experiences,” said Jack Buser, director of PlayStation Home at Sony Computer Entertainment America. “We’re always looking for new and innovative ways to grow the PlayStation Home community and believe that Loot offers cutting edge social tools and experiences for our users to further communicate and engage with one another.”
Living Room Stage Set can be purchased in the “Estates” store, located at the PlayStation Home Mall, where other Loot offerings are available. Loot’s Living Room Stage Set is available for $4.99 and comes loaded with a selection of props, which the player can use to decorate their set or use in any other owned PlayStation Home personal space. Information about Living Room Stage Set and the group’s latest developments will be available online at: