God of War III (aka God of War 3) for the Playstation 3 takes place right after the events of God of War II, with Kratos upon Gaia’s back eager to exact vengeance on the Gods and make them “suffer”. Destructoid was cool enough to link nine new high quality screenshots of GoW3 we’ve never seen before. As seen in the trailers, the whereabouts of the Blade of Olympus are unknown, even though Kratos had been wielding the blade at the ending of God of War II. Little information has been released on the battle between the Gods and Titans that will explain the end of Greek Mythology. A more recent screen shot shows Helios on his knees with a bloodied face, Kratos is also in the picture grasping the god’s head, about to tear it off with his bare hands. Helios’ head is a since confirmed weapon, also confirming his death at an unknown point into the game. Seen in a gameplay trailer are iron or bronze boots with wings on them that greatly augment Kratos’ acrobatic abilities. The wings and nature of the boots suggest that Kratos, at some point in the game, battles and kills Hermes, before taking his boots.
From what we’ve seen, many consider God of War III to be one of the most anticipated video games to be released in recent memory.