Updated: Sony’s PSP-Go Revealed
E3 is just a few days away and the Internet is full of rumors and true facts of upcoming hardware and titles and one of the slipped true facts is a new PSP-Go that will be show cased in its full glory on Tuesday, but thanks to the leaked Qore Exclusive, PlayStation forums are buzzing with news!
Noticeable improvements and it looks like the new UMD-less PSP is a direct kin next to recently discontinued Mylo. It is still not clear if it is a touchscreen or not. I am looking everywhere I can to find out the exact specs of the screen.
PSP-Go will be featuring 16 GB of internal storage; 3.8 inch screen, smaller – 43% lighter than the PSP-3000, Bluetooth (and tethering for cell phone? random, but nice, and probably means stereo A2DP), Memory Stick Micro expansion slot (good stores have 16gb memory stick micro for $60-75USD). It also has direct access to the Playstation store, and movies and tv content. It’s obvious you will need to get some memory stick micro cards very quickly if you plan on having good content. Check out this amazing leaked PSP Go video courtesy of engadget (great work guys) as well as some really good shots here. Coming this fall. Wow.
On an unfortunate note, the launch has not been doing too well. The comments section of engadget and Gizmodo (1, 2), the two biggest technology blogs in the world, were basically a bloodbath of hatred – mostly calling on Sony to release the product with two analog joysticks instead of one, and other complaints about the “akward button layout.” What do you think?
More info to come!