Sony Ericsson’s phone announcements last month were a very strong play by the bewildered company. The new Satio (specs courtesy Sony Ericsson) is their most powerful phone ever, and we put it head to head with the iPhone 3G S (specs courtesy of Apple) in a detailed specs comparison. The North American market has been dominated by the iPhone 3G, and it is now even more powerful than before with the updated S version. Both phones have rich application environments – the iPhone with App Store, and the Satio with presumeably PlayNow, as well as millions of Symbian apps. Assuming that the Satio gains a carrier in the USA, this could be one interesting matchup. We’ve highlighted the winner of each category in Green, the loser in Red, and neutral/subjective specs are in Yellow. Any categories left in White we couldn’t make a decision based on incomplete data, or felt was too trivial. Please leave a comment with anything we’ve missed.