The VAIO NW is one incredible laptop – a 15.5 inch screen, Intel Core Duo, Blu-ray, 4GB of RAM, HDMI out, instant-on Internet and more for less than a thousand dollars. You’d be hard pressed to find many alternatives with the same stylish appearance and features. I tried to price a laptop out at with similar features and an alternative color and it was hundreds more. Nonetheless, VAIO Community posted a new blog recently where they featured some interviews with the developers of the VAIO NW – its quite interesting. Sony Insider feels that the Instant-On Internet is probably one of the coolest features to hit a laptop in a long time.
Bunsho Lin – NW Product Manager
Bunsho discusses some of the detailed thought that went into engineering the VAIO NW.
Kaoru Murai – NW Designer
Kaoru provides insight into the artistic inspiration behind the unique design elements of the NW.
Yukinari Takashima – NW Software Engineer
Yukinari explains the reasons for the addition of features like the “Instant Internet” button.