Battlefield 1943 is an online multiplayer World War II first-person shooter video game developed by EA Digital Illusions CE and published by Electronic Arts for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 via digital download only (similar to Battlefield Heroes). Unlike Battlefield 1942 this game takes place only in the Pacific Theater of Operations of World War II.Battlefield 1943 has players playing as either the United States Marine Corps or the Imperial Japanese Navy with up to 24 players on mainly three classic Battlefield maps: Wake Island, Guadalcanal, and Iwo Jima; but after 43 million kills upon both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, an additional Dogfight only map called Coral Sea will be unlocked, while the PC version will be accessible during its release. The Xbox 360 has already unlocked the extra map, but Playstation 3 users have yet to do so (we are close).
Here is a five minute unedited view of opening the game, logging in, and playing by yours truly (please have sound enabled):
Like Battlefield: Bad Company, 1943 features the Frostbite Engine for its environmental damage. For example, if you shoot a grenade at a building, the wall will blow up and expose people inside. The game only features the series’ signature Conquest mode when released. Similar to Battlefield Heroes, 1943 only features three classes – infantryman, rifleman, and scout. The game also features a regenerating health system similar to the Call of Duty or Halo series. It is currently available now on the Playstation Store for $14.99.