Greetings, I would just like to inform everyone that the merger of Sony Insider forums, Minidisc Community Forums, and ATRACLife is now complete. Sony Insider now has the largest third party forums for Sony content, with 166,000+ posts and 111,000+ members. If you were a member at the aforementioned communities your existing log-in will work here as well. If you had multiple accounts at each of these sites, please leave a comment here with your user names and we can merge them together. If you have already contacted me with this information and I haven’t done it, please be patient and I will do so soon. If you are having problems logging in with your existing account, please leave a comment and I can look into it.
This is a tremendous personal milestone and a major move for Sony Insider, and converges seven years worth of work into one place. I look forward to participating with everyone in this new venture!