Here is another video I shot at CEDIA 2009 of some other Bravia Internet Widgets, including a fully featured Twitter client and a glimpse at Netflix On-Demand. The Twitter client was very well done, and I didn’t get too deep into it because most of us understand how the service works already. After you log in, you see your friend’s tweets, which are easy to read – it’s also easy to tweet, while the search is fully functional and simply to type in with the remote. You can also update your profile and other options. I sensed that Sony had nearly captured the whole Twitter client perfectly, but I felt that it could have been made into a stronger option if they allowed the ability for you to tweet about the program/movie/game you are experiencing – let’s say I hit a button in the Twitter Bravia Internet Widget client that said “Tweet About This,” which automatically figures out the title of what I’m doing and allows me to write a short blurb about it.
Unfortunately they didn’t have a functional Netflix experience, but did have a working menu structure that showed thumbnails from the various movie covers available in the library. I didn’t see any search, genre selection, and so forth, but the Netflix Bravia Internet Widget I captured on video was still in prototype form. There is some really oddball movies in that selection pool, by the way!