Snapdragon indeed, well, officially the 1GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon QSD8250. That’s the speed and name of the processor behind the new XPERIA X10, complete with a 4 inch capacitive touch display, 8.1 megapixel camera with LED flash, custom Google Android (Donut and Rachael), and 8GB included MicroSD removable storage. Click here for an outrageously large XPERIA X10 gallery. The custom UI is so slick that you swear you were looking at a device that was in the most recent Star Trek movie. It’s so fluid, so beautiful, and so powerful. But power comes at a price. We all know the more power intensive a device is, the battery suffers. Engadget had an exclusive first hands-on with the XPERIA X10 (as well as SlashGear) and shared some excellent pictures, videos and thoughts, but was worried about that as well by stating,
Another thing that Snapdragon can do, apparently, is eat through your phone’s battery. Again, we are dealing with a pre-production model here, but the number of power issues and the near-permanent attachment to the charger of the one device on show did not bode well for this phone’s endurance. It sports the same 1,500mAh battery as the X2, so make of that what you will
So you may wonder why I list a problem with the phone so quickly after stating the specs. Because, to be honest, I can’t find anything else wrong with the X10. It’s anyone guess what the battery figures will finally end up being, though. I assume there will be different power modes and some sort of efficiency system for that 1ghz processor. Sony Ericsson has always pushed the bar for battery life and I don’t expect it to be totally disappointing. If the Android App Store keeps growing and PlayNow somehow comes to the USA, I could see iPhone users getting very tempted with this incredible device because it has so many features that make nearly everything else look like its from the stone age. If you’re wondering, yes, it even has a 3.5 mm audio jack. AND a Webkit browser.
The XPERIA X10 comes in curious colors called “Sensuous Black” and “Luster White” and won’t show up until Q1 2010 in Europe and Japan and it may be carried in the USA by T-Mobile/AT&T at an unknown time in 2010 as well. Sony Ericsson also stated that this was essentially the first phone in a line of many like it.
Rikko Sakaguchi, EVP and Chief Creation Officer, Sony Ericsson said, “The XPERIA X10 is a fantastic example of our make.believe philosophy because we are pushing the boundaries of what is possible and demonstrating that anything consumers can imagine, we can make possible. With the X10, we are raising the bar we have set ourselves with entertainment-rich phones like Aino and Satio by making communication more fun and playful, multiplying and enriching opportunities to connect.”
Here is a commercial for the phone courtesy of Sony Ericsson:
The phone also includes two new applications to change the way you communicate and observe. Sony Ericsson Timescape manages all your communication with one person in one place. Browse through your conversations the bright way to check out your Facebook, Twitter, photos, emails, and texts all in one go. Sony Ericsson Mediascape is the smart way to get all the music, photos and videos you want from your favorite friends and artists. It accesses content from everywhere – your phone, YouTube, PlayNow – and presents everything for you. Here is a demo video:
Intelligence capabilities, integrated into Mediascape and Timescape, can automatically recognize connections between contacts, content and media. By recommending alternative ways to communicate or guiding to new media experiences, consumers can discover more in a truly open way. For example: Pressing the new “infinite button” guides you through the connected world, aggregating all your interactions with one person into one view. Also, intelligent face recognition features recognize up to five faces in any picture, automatically connecting them with your social phonebook and all other related communications with that person.
Did I mention that the XPERIA X10 has incredible 3D power? Just watch this video courtesy of SonyEricssonDev:
Here are the full specifications in one chart (click to enlarge):