
Microsoft’s XBOX360 Project Natal Has A Secret: Lag

I’m starting to get the impression that 2010 will be a very strong for the Playstation brand in the home console arena. The reason I state this is because I don’t see Nintendo and Microsoft hitting the market with another console until 2011. Microsoft has an “Ace Card” they showed off at E3 for the XBOX360 called Natal, which many of you have probably seen before. It’s a very exciting prospect from an established giant in tech, and is basically a camera system that can read your movements and allows you to play games with those movements instead of using a controller. The videos were so exciting that many thought they were witnessing the second coming of a great evolution in gaming. What could go wrong?

Well, things can go wrong if Natal has lag – with one developer and now one of the largest technology blogs stating so. Gizmodo writes, “Jon Burton, director of Traveller’s Tales (makers of all those LEGO titles), has confirmed that “Lag on the input and lack of physical buttons is really going to restrict the kind of games that can be done [for Project Natal].” Gizmodo also went on to note that Natal was “accurate, but an ever-so-slight delay to the movement caused us to question whether it could be used for hardcore gaming apps.”

Both consoles are starting to stagnate a little bit. The Wii has filled its niche very nicely, but hardcore gamers overlook it quickly. With explosive success of Modern Warfare 2 – which made $550 million in its first five days of retail –  we are reminded you simply can’t miss out on immersive HD gaming. The XBOX360 is still very strong, has incredible online features and services but it does lack something these days in comparison to the PS3. You can tell its end of life, despite the fact that Microsoft has brilliantly extended the experience with a great software and social media experience.

Honestly, the PS3 feels like a canvas to me, as if there is still great growth within it. There are two huge things coming for the console in the next six months – a super accurate motion controller and the ability for any PS3 to play 3D games. How can you not be excited about that?

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