Many of you know that the biggest event in consumer electronics, CES, is coming next month during January 7th to the 10th. It’s a very exciting time for gadget bloggers because large electronics companies debut new products for the year. Sony begins their preparations many months before CES, and their booth usually has their latest products, dozens of televisions, interactive product displays, and so much more. Another exciting aspect is the people who are in the booths – it’s not uncommon to be amongst celebrities and high ranking officials of various companies. For a mild mannered Sony blogger such as myself it is an overwhelming prospect to visit CES, as there is so many people to meet, and so much to cover for our readers out there.
What’s truly interesting is that there won’t be a Sony keynote this year for CES 2010. This is big a contrast to last year where Chairman, President and CEO of the Sony Corporation Howard Stringer, Tom Hanks, Usher, Reggie Jackson, and many 3D movie trailers were present for the 2009 keynote..
Sony put pictures on flickr (click to enlarge) to remind us that they will have quite the showing for CES 2010; below, you can see the large number of products waiting to be shipped to Vegas. What products/sub-brands can you identify?
Here is where things come together, courtesy of a great story by, entitled “Early images of Sony’s CES booth.” (more pictures there) Apparently their website was allowed to take pictures of the booth-building process, and said that “..the booth (and I use that term loosely, it’s probably about half an acre) is positioned in a sweet spot at the rear corner of one of the Las Vegas Convention Center’s massive halls.” They have quite a few pictures of the Sony CES booth itself being constructed; It definitely puts a smile on my face to see this, as it looks really crazy. I can tell the lighting is going to be really high impact, and rich with color – probably a massive pain to take pictures of. Thankfully I will have a A900 this round.
You can definitely see that the make.believe mindset is all over the place.