Malcom Reynolds once said: “”We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty.” And while it may not be as a dramatic as the Independents’ achievement, someone else may have done the same thing: George Hotz aka geohot. That name could very well become legend if the claims his makes on his site are true: “In other words, I have hacked the PS3” Having solidified himself as accomplished by his work on the iPhone, there is no reason to doubt what he says is accurate.
According to statements made on his site, he has read and write access to the entire system, and what is of note is that he has hypervisor level access to the processor. That level of access could allow for complete usage of the CBE in a native environment with the only restriction being the limitation of the processor itself. The diagram below gives you an idea of exactly what he has access to now:
No specific mention is made to the RSX, but given the statement “the entire system” it could very well mean that as well. At any rate, more details will be forthcoming as well. Stay tuned…