
Tiered Service Model Coming to PlayStation Network?

The PlayStation Network as we know it might be changing in a big way by the time E3 rolls around.

Rumors have been circulating across the web for quite some time that Sony might, at some point, offer a premium version of the PSN. If reports are to believed, that may just be the case. According to VG247, a “highly placed source” (from where is not defined) informed them of Sony’s plans to leverage the PSN to increase revenue. Here are the highlights:

Cost of the service to be less than $61 dollars US

1 free PSN game a month from a  selection two to four

A streaming music application (similar to Spotify) that may allow in game music

No changes for PSN users who do not wish to upgrade

At this point it us unknown exactly what we can expect, or how much of the above will turn out to be accurate. With E3 right around the corner, expect more news on this as it develops. In the meantime, we will reach out to Sony and attempt to get some sort of confirmation. But if this is going to be a big reveal, we may be sitting on the sidelines with you when the game starts.

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