One of Sony Online Entertainment’s most anticipated games finally has a release date window. IGN is reporting that DC Universe Online will be available sometime in November.
In the days leading up to E3, you expect more details to be come available on a variety of titles, and SOE is leading the charge. At a recent event to showcase the title, the news was released while they were showing off their newly polished E3 demo.
What makes DC Universe Online unique is the way you interact with characters. While you don’t get to play as, say, Batman you can create a character that can be a hero who is called upon to fight side by side with him in Gotham City.
Character creation adds a nice take on building a hero a villan. The ability to create a character from the ground up and customize your powerbase is one option. The other option is to use the “inspired by” style where you can select from a list of popular DC characters and model yourself after someone your familiar with and then customize from there.
Expect much more on this title, and hopefully more user comments as E3 approaches. As a comic geek, seeing Killer Croc and Nightwing fighting it out has my complete attention 🙂