Hulu Plus is finally that Hulu solution integrated into consumer electronics products that many of you have been waiting for with great interest. The situation was a little confusing for Playstation 3 (PS3) owners, though. At first, there was word you would need Playstation Plus to use Hulu Plus, meaning a double subscription. That would have been bad news for the consumer. Thankfully, that’s not true.
Word has come forth that you will only need a Playstation Plus subscription for the Hulu Plus trial viewing period, aka beta mode. Officially, Hulu Plus is not going to launch out of beta for quite a while – in fact, it will probably be several months. So, at this point consumers are able to watch it for free. The Hulu Plus preview application is not available yet to Playstation Plus members and the Hulu Plus website indicates that the software is “Coming Soon.” for PS3. I don’t think it will take much longer to arrive.
At this time, the Hulu Plus preview experience is on Apple and Samsung devices, and is plagued with bad reviews on the App Store. Hard to tell how it will go for the PS3 if they think people will want to pay two subscriptions judging by the comments I have seen. It may be a wise move for Sony to take a loss and throw in Hulu Plus with Playstation Plus.
Sony really hit a home run by scoring Hulu Plus before Microsoft will have its chance with the XBOX360, which is simply stated as a mysterious “Early 2011” status that indicates it is at least six or more months away..
Now take the home run Sony just hit, and reflect on how to make it a grand slam – wait, I got it, how about Sony gets the Hulu preview client out quick for the PS3 and then build momentum by including Hulu Plus with Playstation Plus. It’s a no brainer, and needs to happen now.
Let’s look at the bigger picture, though. This is only one situation out of a few others that are on deck.
Our recommendation is that Sony needs to enable Qriocity for PS3 and the promised BRAVIA Internet Video Link software for PS3 as quickly as possible. Sony is a company that has the opportunity to launch 3 new separate services of video for the PS3 at nearly the same time that are ready to go and full of content. I would have my people working on this as fast as they built the second Death Star. It’s time for Sony to launch the superlaser of content already.