In a press release Sony Online Entertainment has announced beta registration for DC Universe Online.
Along with the beta, preorder information has gone live from the site detailing a PC Collector’s Edition, and a digital download preorder for PC as well. The site has also gone through a redesign, so if you haven’t visited lately, or are new to the title, it’s definitely worth a look.
Press Release:
WHAT: Sony Online Entertainment (SOE), Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Entertainment announced several early-bird initiatives video gamers can get their hands on for their upcoming action MMO game, DC Universe Online:
PC Collector’s Edition
Available for pre-order and at launch, a Collectors Edition of DC Universe Online will be available for PC only, and includes a statue of the Batman, concepted by reknowned comic book artist/executive creative director for the game, Jim Lee. The statue depicts the Dark Knight leaping from a building, ready to rain justice down on evildoers. The Collectors Edition also includes a limited edition Art of DCUO book, which includes 56 pages of the art, information on the making of the game and insight on some of the iconic characters players will encounter, plus a limited edition DC Universe Online: Legends Issue #0 comic, written by Tony Bedard (Green Lantern Corps) and illustrated by Oliver Nome, Michael Lopez and Livio Ramondelli with a variant cover by Jim Lee.
Retailer Pre-Order Programs
Several major retailers will be offering pre-order perks to customers, all of them including the ability to play as one of the DC Universe’s iconic characters, Batman! Players will be able to play as the Dark Knight in an exclusive two-on-two (Player-vs.-Player) combat arena. Some participating retailers will include the limited edition comic with pre-orders, and some participating retailers will include a unique in-game iconic weapon for player characters.
For a list of participating retailers and to pre order the game, click on the Pre-Order button at
Digital Download Pre-Order
The PC version of DC Universe Online is also available for pre-order via Steam® and Direct2Drive® (D2D). Steam customers will receive Bane’s Venom Injector as a pre-order item, while D2D users will get Mr. Freeze’s Zero Grenade.
Beta Registration Opens
Beta registration also opens today! Potential superheroes and villains can now register for a chance to get in the beta and flex their muscles, helping to fine tune the game for launch this November! To register for beta access, visit the game website and click on the beta registration link.
MORE INFO: For a list of participating pre-order retailers, visit the website and click on the Pre Order button.
For beta registration, visit and click on the beta registration link.
To pre-order using Direct2Drive, visit the website at
For pre ordering via Steam, visit the website at