Sony has announced two new PS3 retail bundles at gamescom 2010 for consumers in many countries (USA, Europe, etc) who want to experience the popular console. The refreshed line up includes a PS3 Sports Champions Move package and a standalone 160GB version. These new capacities for the PS3 slim is basically a continuation of what originally debuted in Japan back in late July. The Sports Champions Move bundle ($399) will be available on September 19th (aka PlayStation Move launch timeframe). It will come with a PlayStation Move motion controller, PlayStation Eye camera, Sports Champions game, and bonus game disc. This should be a compelling option for those who have grown tired of their Nintendo Wii and want to have something similar in function, but more powerful and in glorious HD. Plus, the motion controller on the PS3 is very accurate and has wowed critics in the past.
It really feels like the PlayStation Move is going to be a huge momentum push for the PS3 and the PlayStation brand in general.
The other model is a 160GB version of the PS3 slim ($299) that comes with a controller and other standard fare. It has all of the same functionality as the current models, including Blu-ray playback, vast library of games, PlayStation Store access (games, movies, etc), Netflix, and a wealth of other features. Many of you have tried the PS3 already so I don’t need to chime on here, but if you haven’t, you really should try and play this console sometime. I’ve put a ton of hours into online gaming with it and it’s fun.
It is great to see Sony playing such high capacity consoles as the default model. It seems like the hardware aspect of the console evolves very quickly to ensure competitiveness and strength in the market. A part of me wonders how many people actually fill their PS3 up to near full capacity, though. Do consoles really need to keep racing higher? Will 500GB or 1TB be really necessary? In some places, like Japan and Europe, where you can use your PS3 as a DVR and record multiple HD TV shows at once, sure, but in USA, I’m not so sure.
Why can’t Google TV be a PlayStation 3 plug-in or add-on?