Sony at CES 2011 is going to be really exciting. I can’t wait to take pictures, video and review things with Stan and share Sony’s latest with the world. According to my birdies, there will be many new products.
The way CES will work is like last year. As the press conference happens (5PM PST/8PM EST 1/5, 1AM UTC 1/6), we will simultaneously provide with high quality pictures and full specifications, put together the stylish way we usually do it.
Sony Electronics is playing a much stronger hand at giving consumers exclusive access to the show. Additional coverage will be provided on the on the Sony blog and also through their new video series SGNL. It will be cool to be working along with some other people who are passionate about the brand. Sukhjit Ghag, Social Media Evangalist at Sony notes,
We’re also bringing you a live video Q & A immediately after the show with Senior Vice President, Mike Abary. Send your questions during and after the show via a comment on our blog or via Twitter to @SonyElectronics. I’ll be manning the blogosphere looking for your questions for Mike. Tech reporter Mario Armstrong and I will host the live show and are looking forward to giving you this first of it a kind access to Sony.
This year the crew at SGNL by Sony will also be there. They’re working hard to bring you first hand and hands-on view of all the products as well as special interviews and product announcements.
The SGNL crew as well as my fellow Sony Electronics blogger, Gina Campbell will be updating the Sony Electronics blog daily with videos, photos and reports from the floor. We’ll also have for regular updates on Twitter where you can follow our news by searching for #SonyCES.
As for us, we will have coverage of everything as it happens, probably in the range of at least 15-20 posts initially in tune with the press conference (so keep refreshing, we promise it will be good) and then hands-on pictorials (shot with Sony A55) and HD video and whatever else we capture afterwards. If you want us to ask any specific questions or cover something in greater detail, please let us know. We are your Sony CES servants.
A Sony press release has also pegged the Viva Elvis Cirque Du Soleil group to perform during the press conference, which is invite only. If you want to see the announcements and performance, there will be a Sony’s CES 2011 press conference live video stream on USTREAM. Kudos to Sony making this available for everyone.
Feel free to bookmark this page to watch the stream.