
Sony Is Watching Sony Insider

While the stats in the picture above aren’t overwhelming by any degree, it is exciting to see in the Sony Insider web statistics (provided by Google analytics) that multiple divisions of Sony have looked at the site. Sony North America, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Sony Corporation, Sony UK, Sony Australia, and Sony BMG have all visited – and more. Obviously, we are not officially affiliated with Sony, but we sure know alot about them.

p.s. Click the image above to see a bigger view. Updated August 25th, 2008.

Are we criminals, however?

Is it criminal for someone to finally make a website that aggregates all the Sony news out there on a clean looking site? This domain has so much potential, and will fulfill that potential as time goes on but we will need Sony’s support. It would be such a shame to see Sony not embrace this community. This makes me wonder what stance Sony is going to take on this website and how things will play out. Will they let us fly under the radar, or will they bury us and force me to change the domain name? It’s something I think about all the time, and honestly worries me.

So Sony, if you are reading this, please remember that we are just delivering unbiased news about your companies and only wish the best for the brand.

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