
Sony Acquiring Sony Insider


After a whirlwind of discussion, I am proud to announce today that Sony has acquired the exclusive rights to Sony Insider. We couldn’t be happier with Sony’s acquisition of the site and its owners – this is the dream we’ve been dreaming since the site was created. The primary goal of Sony Insider is to create an atmosphere where people can come together in a spirit of teamwork, and exercise to their heart’s desire the ability to influence this brand through their feedback.

We will now work for Sony in officially announcing products and controlling the release of information regarding new technology to the general public. At the same time, Sony Insider will continue to deliver a unique evaluation of the Sony brand that assists consumers in selecting Sony products. Sony has selected Sony Insider as an official media-centric website that inspires a sense of community to Sony users. Expect more exclusive interviews with people relevant to what’s current in the Sony experience and product line. Our relationship is going to change the entire thought process behind consumer and corporate interaction.

With a bigger budget and an official backing, we are proud to be working with Sony at such an exciting time in the Consumer Electronics atmosphere. Thank you Sony for making our dreams come true.

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