As some of you may know, I recently visited the SonyStyle store in Atlanta, Georgia to try out the PSP Go the day before it is available in the store for everyone to preview. Sony also allowed me to use their incredible A850 DSLR to shoot pictures of the PSP Go, and while we were waiting for some of the consumers to leave I took some shots of the store’s layout – click to enlarge. It’s always humbling for me to look around a SonyStyle store, as I am familiar with almost virtually every product and even announced/leaked several there. I even showed one fellow working there the upcoming A Series Walkman refresh that he had never seen before. Regardless, every employee was extremely knowledgeable and courteous, but unfortunately few had actually been to Sony Insider. Oh well – we are still pretty small anyways.
Here are some Vaio P’s before the store closes, getting ready to sleep:
Vaio’s were found all throughout the store, including some now discontinued TT models that were still waiting to be sold. The home page of each Vaio in Internet Explorer was a link to the laptop’s page on SonyStyle.
I also spotted two PSP’s, a Rock Band bundle and the liliac purple Hannah Monana PSP:
Sony also had a full Altus setup on display, which was very impressive. If you click on the picture, you xan see many of the units activate with the wave of your hand. You can also see some alpha DSLR’s to the left.
Here are quite a few point and shoot cameras, direct to DVD burners, and the XEL-1 OLED TV.
This is an open hallway along the store that leads to the room below this picture. It also had some interesting frames of old movie stars decorating the walls above the televisions. Very classy.
Here is a nice home theater room that had three displays and a nice seating area. I liked this room a lot, and it was adjacent to where I shot the PSP Go hands-on video.
Here’s the XBR9 – they didn’t have the XBR10, yet:
This is the open room where I shot the PSP Go video. Sony kept people (except my girlfriend, who came with me) from wandering back here while I had the PSP Go out because it was top secret: