
Sony Online Entertainment Gives Back With The Child’s Play Winter Charity Drive

Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) is making it easy for players to support a good cause while playing one of their favorite online video games during the Child’s Play Winter Charity Drive. With new limited-time Child’s Play items available in EverQuest (EQ), EverQuest II (EQII) and Free Realms, participants can be charitable and receive fun in-game items in the process. The second annual fundraising effort is scheduled to run until January 17, 2010.

Since 2003, over 100,000 gamers worldwide have banded together through Child’s Play, a community based charity grown and nurtured from the game culture and industry. Over 5 million dollars in donations of toys, games, books and cash for sick kids in children’s hospitals across North America and the world have been collected since its inception.

This year, the charity has continued expanding across the country and the globe. With almost 70 partner hospitals and more arriving every month, you can be sure to find one near you in the continental USA and several other countries. You can choose to purchase requested items from their online retailer wish lists, or make a cash donation that helps out Child’s Play hospitals everywhere. Any items purchased through Amazon will be shipped directly to your hospital of choice, so please be sure to select their shipping address rather than your own.

After last year’s successful campaign, SOE will continue its support of Child’s Play by donating $10 (up to $50,000 total) each time a player buys one of the Child’s Play items from the in-game Marketplace with Station Cash, SOE’s in-game currency. In addition, the EQ and EQII Child’s Play items are “giftable” this year, giving players the opportunity to purchase the EQ Child’s Play Anklebiter Doll or EQII Child’s Play Bouncing Baby Panda Cub for friends, family, and guildmates.

“We were thrilled with the contributions our players allowed us to make to the previous Child’s Play campaign and with the addition of Free Realms this year, we are hoping to double our previous $21,000 donation,” said John Smedley, president of Sony Online Entertainment. “The support the video game industry has given Child’s Play over the years is fantastic, and we are humbled to be a part of it.”

Child’s Play is a charity that is dedicated to providing children with toys and age-appropriate games at more than 70 hospitals worldwide. SOE’s players will be able to purchase the following items:

EQ: Child’s Play Anklebiter Doll (500 Station Cash)

EQII: Child’s Play Bouncing Baby Panda Cub (500 Station Cash)

Free Realms: Child’s Play Triceratops (500 Station Cash)

“With the help of industry initiatives such as this, Child’s Play is already over the million dollar mark and is looking to beat our record total of $1.3 million,” says Robert Khoo, Managing Director of Child’s Play.

To participate in the SOE Child’s Play promotion, fund your SOE wallet with Station Cash or purchase Station Cash cards from participating retailers.

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