Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, under a new business unit headed by Tony Ishizuka, is set to distribute four anime series produced by...
DCUO continues to be on my short of list heavily anticipated titles right up there with Heavy Rain, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves...
When the PS3 was launched Sony included support for what was called The Open Platform. The Open Platform supported the ability to...
It seems hard to believe that it’s been 3 years since I purchased my first PS3. I still remember camping outside for...
Previously Will Smith told JoBlo that a sequel was “definitely” happening. A few month’s later, Peter Berg spoke with Sci Fi wire...
Sony is moving full speed ahead in promoting the benefits of the PS3 after the recent price drop. Peter Dille/Senior Vice President,...
One thing I have always liked about Sony is their sense of style. In way or another, they always seem to explore...
Courtesy of Engadget Confirmed by Engadget, the PS3 Slim is now officially on sale. According to confirmation they received from Sony, retailers...
Being the resident comic geek here, I have always been a big Jim Lee fan. My first exposure to his art style...