The Green Hornet is an upcoming 2011 superhero action/adventure film directed by Michel Gondry. The film is scheduled to be released on...
Patrick Seybold, Sony’s Senior Director, Corporate Communications & Social Media was kind enough to allow me to chat with him after Sony’s...
The combination of Jaden Smith, Jackie Chan, Taraji P. Henson and Harold Zwart proves to be a winner for Sony. With the...
The inhabitants of the Churaumi Sea are back again at Sony’s annual event that runs from July 19 – August 31 in...
Andrew Garfield (born in 1983) is an actor who has appeared in radio, theater, film, and television, including the 2007 movies Lions...
Lebanon is an Israeli war film directed by Samuel Maoz. It won the Leone d’Oro at the 66th Venice International Film Festival,...
Musical powerhouses John Legend & The Roots are presenting fans with a fiery new offering, Wake Up! The upcoming CD, being released...
Men in Black III-D (aka Men in Black 3, MIB3D) will be the third installment of the film’s franchise. It will be...
The Karate Kid is an upcoming 2010 martial arts film remake of the epic 1984 film of the same name. Directed by...