Spider-Man is an upcoming superhero film currently in production. A fourth entry in the Spider-Man film franchise was planned for release in...
With much excitement and totally being overwhelmed here at CES 2011, we wanted to thank you all who checked out our today’s...
For the last several years Sony has brought huge names in music, such as Usher and Taylor Swift, to the Consumer Electronics...
2010 was an incredible year in many ways for Sony as a brand, its social media team and Sony Insider’s role in...
Sony has completed a deal with Toshiba to purchase majority ownership of a semiconductor factory that creates the Cell Broadband Engine and...
A new cloud based, digital music service called Music Unlimited has been announced and became available in the UK and Ireland, soon...
In a rather unique acquisition, Sony has appointed Professor Ei-ichi Negishi, winner of the 2010 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, as Executive Research...
Michael Jackson’s upcoming posthumous album, Michael, which are collected works from the past, is set for release on December 14th. Internet savages...
Over the years various rumors have floated around about the film Ghostbusters III. The official press release regarding the movie has yet...