Media Molecule, makers of LittleBigPlanet, are marking this years Independence Day (on July 4th for the USA) by releasing a Sacktue of...
In a move that personally affects me, over the weekend several blogs and news sites reported that Hulu on the PS3 was...
Sony / Columbia is set to make a movie about the journey of protagonist Nathan Drake (from the Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune game...
Sony released an optional firmware update for the Playstation 3 recently which aims to improve the quality of the built-in software. That...
The PS3 offers more than just games and Blu-ray movies: it is also an excellent online media center. Online video service Joost...
During our liveblog of Sony E3 2009, I was really impressed with how Sony’s presentation had gone, despite with the shadow of...
Final Fantasy XIV Online is the fourteenth entry in the Final Fantasy series, due for release in 2010 for PlayStation 3 and...
Uncharted – Drake’s Fortune is one of the early PlayStation 3 games that I enjoyed playing the most. So I was very...
For Sony, E3 2009 isn't just about the hardware, it's about the games. 364 games are coming out on Playstation platforms in...